**the giveaway is now closed**

Fat Quarter Shop are kindly sponsoring a giveaway of a Foxtail Forest Fat Quarter Bundle.
You’re invited to discover a whimsical retreat of celebrating creatures and lush forest finds.
Foxtail Forest is a beautiful collection designed by Rae Ritchie featuring furry friends, ferns, fungi and treehouses. There are also pretty blender prints, I have already bought this one to add to my stash!
Good Luck!
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1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»Love the foxes!
These are soooo cute. Love! The tree houses are adorable.
debbygrawn at yahoo dot com
What a beautiful collection! I adore the foxes, but I am particularly partial to hedgehogs.
Has to be the foxes - thanks.
Thank you Lucy and FQS for this great give away! My most favourite forest animal is fox! I really love them! So these fabrics are also for me so so beautiful and I love the colours! It would be fantastic to make a quilt with these! x Teje
I think it has to be the hedgehog! Love this collection 😍
I shared on Instagram x
I really love owls.
That little raccoon is adorable. I know they are a pest but we don't have them in the UK so I just think they're cute.
I think hedgehogs are cute. I also like bunnies.
I shared on Pinterest.
Cute raccoons!
Love those foxy foxes!
Shared the giveaway on Instagram.
I'll have to say that the foxes provide a lot of color to the celebration. Thanks for the chance to win the fabric.
badgers are awesome, anyhow, I love all the animals
Groudhogs! 24Tangent@gmail.com
I love all the forest animals but am partial to the wise old owl....these fabrics are very yummy and would make great quilt for my god-daughter's little boy...
Foxes are my favorite animals.
I'd have to say that the moose is majestic and my favourite!!
Shared via Twitter: https://twitter.com/firesidequilts/status/736592318841524226
All of the dancers are so cute, love this collection!
Owls are my personal favourite, thanks for the chance to win.
I love hedgehogs & foxes! Thanks for the chance.
i like owls, thanks
I love the bear and the fox around the cake. All of the animals are wonderful. Thanks to you and Fat Quarter Shop for the opportunity.
This fabric is gorgeous, so much to look at. I love owls, foxes and hedgehogs.
The bunnies are my favorite! Thanks for this great giveaway!
I shared on Instagram!!
shared on facebook barbara dillard smith woods
Owls - All Time Favorite forest animal!!! Hoot! Hoot! I hope I win, GL everyone!
Love the little Bunny's ! This collection is so cute ! Thanks for sharing !
I love the owl and the rabbit. Rexeroll@gmail.com
I'm sharing on ig!
Owls intrigue me... Great give away, thanks so much!
Such a cute fabric line! I think the fox is co cute but my favorite in real life is a chipmunk. They are just so cute and always busy. Rina
Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. https://twitter.com/Chanzy01/status/736615631953367040 - //www.pinterest.com/pin/129760032992225300/ and under Rina Mason on FB
I love hedgehogs but the foxes in the den are adorable! (I hardly ever see a fox, although one ate 2 of my son's chickens!)
Lodi at mmsrygley@gmail.com
P.S. No racoons in the UK?
Love the foxes!
I like the raccoon. This is a really guts collection.
Foxes are my favourite!
I really love bunnies and hedgehogs! Foxes are really cool- we had one living around our house for a while and she was beautiful!
Love this. As a bunny owner the rabbit is of course my pick !
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I think foxes are beautiful and so does my granddaughter who would love something made with this gorgeous fabric. She loves bunnies too.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I shared the giveaway on Twitter @Sew1ngMeme
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
It has to be the foxes. But i love them all.
Love this bundle of fabrics. Love the squirrels, particularly if they are red!
love little foxes the most...but so many forest critters are super cute. :) thanks for the chance to win these sweet fabrics.
I like the foxes! Thanks for the chance to win this delightful bundle, and thanks for your inspiring blog!
I really like the circle patterns particularly
I love the bunnies!!!
I like the biggest moose, the Alaskan Moose!
I love to watch the eagles at the river where we camp.
I shared on my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sisylyn2
I love black bears - at a distance!
I like the owls in the forest. ljbisme at msn dot com
LOL I have to pick one animal? LOL I love the deer, fox, chipmunks.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
I shared on FB
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
Well it has to be the coon love racoons....lol... happyness04431@yahoo.com
I shared on facebook..Also seen this on my bloglovin..... happyness04431@yahoo.com
Foxes are my fav too! Thx!
Although I'm not convinced they rhey are forest animals, they feature on these fabrics so i'm going with rabbits
I am always fascinated by squirrels. We don't have them in New Zealand, so when I see them, I love to see them scurrying around.
Definitely....the foxes!
The owls
Love bears, but wouldn't want to meet one up close and personal in the forest! :)
Sandy A
The foxes, their colours are so bright.
I like the owls.
The sleeping foxes are really cute. gilly@lapinbleu.co.uk
The owls definitely....awake at night like me!
The owls definitely....awake at night like me!
I love foxes and owls...
Whooooo wants to keep an eye on things and apprehend more mice than cats? Mr. OWL that's whooooooooooo.
I've always thought moles were pretty amazing but that is totally based off reading Duncton Wood. Otherwise I can't go past a bunny
Love the dancing bunny!
Bears, frogs, owls...all the things! Love the navy floral print.
I like foxes and bunnies.
I love foxes and raccoons.
Shared on Facebook.
My Grangirlie & I loooove the sly fox, and the bunny!!! :)
Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way!!! :D
I love the fox.
I tweeted on Twitter
My favourite forest animal is the kiwi. Its not just the long beak, but boy do those birds fight when they get annoyed with each other. Plus, the male sits on the egg from memory, so they are very enlightened! Thanks for the giveaway. Tarnia.hodges at gmail.com
Love the fox!
Love Hedgehogs. Used to have one as a pet. They are so cute!
I love all woodland critters but what could be better than a squirrel? They're so cute with their fluffy tails and silly faces -- and their acrobatic abilities are unmatched!
Kristel W.
I have a thing for bunnies, so that's my favorite. However, they are all so charming and wonderful!
I love foxes! Beautiful little creatures!! annesimonot@sasktel.net
Shared on IG (annsim64). annesimonot@sasktel.net
Hi. I love the dancing raccoon and bunny. So cute. Abh10066(at)aol.com
I love birds so one of my favorites is quail!
I've always been mesmerized by the owls of the forest. Those eyes! Plus, they can turn their heads around so far! Those wild old owls.
I love the fox. Thank you for a lovely giveaway.
I love white owls and red foxes. Both are great animals.
The fox!!
Foxes are always my favourite- they seem so cute on fabric, but not so in real life!
Rather hard to pick a favorite, would probably have to go with the owl.
I love red squirrels and it's always a delight to see them scamper up our oak tree.
I think my favorite would be fawn/deer.
I love the foxes. Thanks for a great giveaway. x
Loving all the animals, this fabric is gorgeous. Owls are cute if I had to pick one.... suegsqueak@gmail.com x
I love the deer hiding shyly in the trees
Is there an owl in there? My favourite is an owl.
Love the Treetop party and the badgers
Shared on IG marina.scienza
I am a huge fan of the foxes! We used to see them all the time around our cottage with their fluffy red tails! Love them!
I love the hedgehog!! This is a beautiful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
I think I see happy little dancing bunnies--love those. But also love the foxes--we see red foxes around here occasionally.
Love the little owls. Thank you!
Red (fantastic) Foxes w/the white tip tails! Thank you Lucy.
Pinned the giveaway. Thank you Lucy and FQS!
I'm an owl fanatic. I mean, really. You should peek at my room!!
Foxes hold a special place! And love this line soo much :)
i love these prints, especially the blenders. thanks for the giveaway.
i shared on facebook.
Thise dancing racoons are sweet. :)
i like the bunnies
I'm all about the bunnies!!!
Foxes are cute.
I live owls!
*like* even!
P.S. I tweeted about the giveaway.
Foxes are my fantastic favourite!
I love deer.
Owls and foxes are faves for me. I just watched some fox videos today, one in which a wild fox was playing with a dog. Really?
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Shared on Facebook
Sarah Clemons
It has to be a squirrel, when Hazel was little mothercare had a sweatshirt with a hazel the squirrel on it. Just waiting for her. Mind you I always liked owls and foxes myself
Hmmm... If I had to just choose one, I would say that I love little chipmunks. They are so stinkin cute! Thank you for the chance.
Huge hedgehog fan I have so many in my collection of various mediums so if that's not allowed to be my favorite I guess it would be foxes great giveaway
Pinned it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/501940320951530144/
shared on ig as we speak
My favorites are deer and chipmunks!
I love deers :). Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com
I have to say I do love rabbits.
Do Unicorns count as forest creatures :) or maybe tortoises. grecomara at gmail dot com
I shared with my sewing friends on Facebook ;)
SHARED WITH MY QUILTY FRIENDS >https://www.pinterest.com/msstitcher/charm-about-you/
I like your adorable raccoons...dancing away! akronne17@gmail.com
such fun fabric - love how they're all dancing !! fabulous Mr Fox is my favourite - he is fantastic !! daisyandjack@hotmail.com
Such cute fabrics - I really like foxes at the moment:)
I love bunnies!!!!
Cute bunnies win my heart! Interesting that a couple of years ago I had an order for a baby quilt using foxes and owls there was not many fabric choices to be had but now they are everywhere!
squirrels. I know people who live in/near forrests hate them (the apparently chew through cables and stuff...), but they look so cute!!
I shared on pinterest - don't really 'do' other social media... very oldfashioned! :-) (marleen dot turhan at gmail dot com)
The raccoons are my favourite :)
I have always loved foxes after reading 'Fantastic Mr Fox' many many times as a kid!
Those little foxes are adorable!
I love foxes and rabbits.
The fox is my favorite! Gretahoneycutt (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the owl in the print. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Mr. Fox of course!
Love the foxes and mushrooms!
I think the owl is a fantastic forest animal!
Gorgeous bundle...I love the little foxes. Kristawells at nl dot rogers dot com
Love the foxes!
I do love a cute squirrel (preferably a red one!)
The racoons are such cute things...mean but cute!
I shared on facebook!
Dancing racoons are my faborite!
I shared via Twitter.https://twitter.com/dmac5958_doris/status/737644749499342849
I love the owls and foxes!
t_ktl at yahoo.com
I love all the birds, we have many on our property and their so much fun to watch.
I love the fox! They are so pretty!
Shared on FB
Love the foxes xx
I love foxes
I shared on Facebook
I like the bunny.
I like all woodland animals but since my last name has the Dutch word for 'Fox' in it, I choose foxes. :)
You know I'm partial to foxes!
And I tweeted too! :)
Shared on FB!
Can't wait to work with this line! All the animals are terrific but I especially like the foxes!
I 💚 The bunny! Thanks for great giveaways!
I reposted on IG!
Love the bunnies!!!
Bunnies are my favorite!!
Foxes are fantastic!
Love this fun collection. Would make an adorable quilt for my nephew.
I think foxes are pretty fantastic so this fabric line is really awesome! I'm going to have to get some to do something fun with.
I shared the giveaway on FB
I am definitely on board with the fox trend - I got a super cute fox cookie jar for my birthday to match the fox salt and pepper shakers I found at Christmas!! :)
Foxes but the owls are really fun!
Foxes are fantastic!
Rabbits are my favourite; it's a really cute fabric line. Thanks for the chance to win.
I adore foxes! Thankyou for the giveaway x
I'm partial to squirrels!! Thanks for the chance Lucy. :)
Foxes, hands down
I love the wise ol' owl! Such a cute line! Thanks for the giveaway!
I shared the giveaway on IG Miss Lucy!
I love the hedgehog :) Especially after last summer when one was running under my bed in the night :D
The raccoons!
The fox is kind of this fabric!
I love chipmunk and fox.
Rabbits!! They are so awesome!
Thank you for the giveaway!
I love the racoon very much! Those fabrics are so wonderful!
It has to be Mr Badger or the racoons. Lovely fabric.