I don't really have UFOs (unfinished stuff), at least not ones I've had for ages. I do try to get things done but having previously lost my mojo and since I'm currently feeling highly motivated, I'm going to join in Rhonda's Finish-A-Long to keep me on track!
There's also LOTS Ineed want need to get done (I struggle because it's not a need need but some stuff has people's names on it so there are some deadlines!)
This is in no particular order but all of this shall get done:
- The Stained QAL, no hurry really but a great desire to finish it for my fabulous friend!
- The Retro Flowers QAL, again no hurry except I'm quilting-a-long and honestly I bought the pattern a while ago and this QAL is the kick I need to get going. So far I've cut the squares of fabric so a lot more cutting ahead! I was pleased to see I had enough DS with a couple of solids thrown in :)
- The Name Swap, yes this is still as far as I've got with the name tag swap for the Fat Quarterly Retreat so need to get stitching! Also need to get working on the secret swapsies!
- Hungry Caterpillar Cushions. These are for the kiddies. This is the worst kind of pressure, 'Is my cushion ready?? Have you finished my cushion??' etc (so demanding and only aged 2 and 4!!).
I've done some quilting on both of them but I've attacked one with fabric paint (can you tell I've never used it before!!) because the white areas around the caterpillar were annoying me, just need to add red splotches as well (just to truly ruin it!!) and then (when I'm feeling brave enough to face invisible zips) they're ready to become cushions :)
- Sort of Secret baby boy quilt. This is for my darling friend who is currently pregnant with her first baby (the friend with REALLY great taste that gave me a gorgeous bundle of Hope Valley). She has given me this bundle of lush fabric to work with and we've picked a backing. The binding and pattern I'm using are a mystery to her though and since she might be reading I don't want to give anything away. I'm excited to work on it and might show sneak peaks just to annoy her ;)
That's three quilts, two cushions, a name tag, swaps and whatever else I take on in the next quarter (while still making Rose Star blocks)!!
Hahaha, wish me luck!

There's also LOTS I
This is in no particular order but all of this shall get done:
- The Stained QAL, no hurry really but a great desire to finish it for my fabulous friend!
- The Retro Flowers QAL, again no hurry except I'm quilting-a-long and honestly I bought the pattern a while ago and this QAL is the kick I need to get going. So far I've cut the squares of fabric so a lot more cutting ahead! I was pleased to see I had enough DS with a couple of solids thrown in :)
- The Name Swap, yes this is still as far as I've got with the name tag swap for the Fat Quarterly Retreat so need to get stitching! Also need to get working on the secret swapsies!
- Hungry Caterpillar Cushions. These are for the kiddies. This is the worst kind of pressure, 'Is my cushion ready?? Have you finished my cushion??' etc (so demanding and only aged 2 and 4!!).
I've done some quilting on both of them but I've attacked one with fabric paint (can you tell I've never used it before!!) because the white areas around the caterpillar were annoying me, just need to add red splotches as well (just to truly ruin it!!) and then (when I'm feeling brave enough to face invisible zips) they're ready to become cushions :)
- Sort of Secret baby boy quilt. This is for my darling friend who is currently pregnant with her first baby (the friend with REALLY great taste that gave me a gorgeous bundle of Hope Valley). She has given me this bundle of lush fabric to work with and we've picked a backing. The binding and pattern I'm using are a mystery to her though and since she might be reading I don't want to give anything away. I'm excited to work on it and might show sneak peaks just to annoy her ;)
That's three quilts, two cushions, a name tag, swaps and whatever else I take on in the next quarter (while still making Rose Star blocks)!!
Hahaha, wish me luck!
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Good that you have your sewing mojo back. You have some good projects to finish! Di xo
Good luck with your list :o)
Invisible zips aren't so bad, you will have no problem with them.
The caterpillars are lovely and bright, aren't they. Maybe when school is back in you will get them done- when you have some peace...if?
Good luck with your list! All your projects sound fun, and I'm sure you'll get a lot done. And cute new picture up there, too!
You'll be fine!! You have no real grotters there!
Looks like you've been busy and made some great things too. Can't wait to see the updates and progress posts =D
Oh you'll be fine! Cant wait to see Stained navy... ;-)
Good luck..you are very brave putting your list 'out there'!! The Hungry Caterpillar cushions will be great! And you know how much I love your Stained Glass!
It's so nice to see your lovely list of projects! I've been away from home and while gone I've put together a mental list of projects I must get done!
What a fun list! I am still a bit stuck at the part about having no UFOs, you are clearly a disciplined woman!
You can totally do it. Love the fabric for that baby boy quilt.
Good luck, Lucy! You can do it, I know you can. You are always finishing something when I pop in to visit! I wish I had your motivation/discipline.. would you mind sending me some? ha
You're going to rock it. What great projects...nicely started and totally finish-able in the time we have. Can't wait to see 'em finished off!
Cushions first then so you stop getting nagged - or do you work better under pressure?
That looks like enough to keep you busy for a while!
I love all your projects and can't wait to see them develop!
Good luck! They will look fab finished.
Your name swap is one lucky person.
oh you have lots on the go! the cushions are so cute. Nothing like kids to pressure you! Mine are 5 and 7 and like to give me little reminders of tasks we have planned together and harp on about it until we do it! X
Cada vez que entro aqui me surpreendo,Suas peças são divinas,parabéns.Vou continuar de olho em você.beijos e Deus te abençoe.