Despite my best attempts at cajoling the children to help me finish the project for them they just were not interested! So I finished it last night and they've spent the morning admiring and playing with it.
This isn't a full tutorial but I give an idea of my process and how it was constructed.
Here is our list of house rules before and we have had various homemade sticker charts but they never last long and the children lose interest:
Although I love the sentiment, this just was not that pleasing to look at! And since I now know how to sew, it only made sense to make something prettier:
It is a reward chart and rule reminder in one. I decided just to call it 'Good' - after all that's what I'd like my kids to be!
It was made of really simple elements and the stitching took the most time. I did some embroidery on a long length of plain fabric, to which I added a pocket, a felt panel with their names on and our list of house rules (with the new addition of 'always try your best', thanks to school!). The rules were printed from the computer onto some fabric especially designed for printers - this was a first for me and really fun to do.
Once I'd sewn the front bits together how I wanted them (leaving space for the felt panel) I sewed it to some wadding and added some hanging tabs. Then I put the backing fabric and the front panel right sides together, sewed around the edges (leaving a space for turning), turned it inside out and stitched around the edges. Then I added the felt panel by stitching it on with perle thread and I also hand stitched around the rules.
The 'rewards' are these little embroideries I made, all the patterns are from 'Sublime Stitching' by Jenny Hart (as are the lanterns at the top). The inspiration to make them into these little circles came from Wild Olive and Mollie's fabulous tutorial for school merit badges. I didn't use pins but just stuck some velcro on the back so the kids could easily stick them on themselves.
The really fun bit for me is, as the kids get fed up looking at the same pictures, I can easily stitch up some different ones. Win - win!
You could incorporate whatever you wanted into a chart like this for kids, maybe using the embroidered badges as reminders of chores or routines in the household. I would love to see if anyone makes one and please let me know if you do!
This is another check off my finish-a-long list with Quilter in the Gap.
We might have very well behaved children this weekend, what with the novelty of the chart and the joy of Advent calenders.
I'm also planning on going to the Portable North Pole again this year so I can make a couple of free videos for them both from Santa. If you have young children you really have to take a look at this, it's just brilliant! Oh and don't be afraid to say they've been naughty, Santa is very kind and tells them there's still time to behave. It is really well made and so nice that it is free (obviously you can buy them or buy other merchandise but you don't have to!). Off to decide whether mine have been good or bad!
Linking up:

at the wonderfully creative Making Rebecca Lynne this week
(go see her gorgeous Liberty scarf and I personally love that wallpaper!)
and Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts
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ADORABLE! I love it. It makes such a difference with children when their "chores" are presented in a fun way.
I had a star chart and that didn't work for us. I then got a marble jar and they could earn marbles, more than one for particularly good behaviour, etc. When all the marbles were in the jar they got to pick a new dvd to buy and I would make them a big bowl of popcorn and hot chocolate while they watched it. That worked really well. Because I could take marbles out when they are horrible! They soon learned.
What a cute idea. I love that the rewards look like little girl scout badges!
Oh my goodness! I love the merit badges! I wondered what you were going to do with all of those little embroideries so close together. Now I see! I think it's a great chart!
(Obviously, because I just used 4 exlamation marks in 5 sentences...)
Love this idea. We used to have a magnetic chart with buttons that worked really well, but don't have anywhere to hang it in our new place, so maybe I'll try something like this. Yours is super cute!
I would make the effort if I thought it would work, but mine seem immune from blackmail in any form!
Great idea! Of course they've been good!!
Wonderful idea! I like the fact that you can remove a badge if it's called for ;o)
Yes, this is much cuter. And very clever too!
Those merit badges are a fantastic idea and I love the chart
You're such a clever thing Lu. That is simply brilliant - and how cute are the badges? Beautifully done x
You are a clever mummy and not only in the sewing department. Di x
Very cute! Your embroidery is wonderful.
Lucy! This is such a cute idea. I love your little badges! The finished product is just darling!
Thanks for the well wishes on getting my blog back in order. Hopefully things will be back on track by Monday!
So stinkin' cute! It's late, but I'm going to sleep on this idea. I think it might work for us!
Very clever! You've just got to get them to use it now!
That is so adorable - definitely cuter than the scruffy list we have. I agree about Portable North Pole - my son was amazed by it last year, particularly as I had included a photo of him in his Christmas performance and he thought Santa had been watching :-)
This is a really lovely idea, I'm thinking of something similar but for weekly chores & rewards when they're completed (more for the adults of the house tho!!!)
Hmm, wonder if it's too late to try that for my 30 year old flat mate to encourage him to clean his cr*p up!
So clever! And beautifully done. Dinner's often a gong show around here so I may be co-opting your idea, Lucy!
Aw, how sweet! I hope it works for you! And what fabulous stitching!
Super cute chart and thanks for the link to the PNP-- going to have to try that out!
What a great way to use merit badges!
I love how you're using embroidery in all different ways around the house! Such a cute idea, Lucy!