I have my fingers crossed and am chanting 'everything happens for a reason', believing positive things must be on their way after a bout of crapness.
Head down sewing time is good therapy and achieving something feels great!
Here's Sheila's blocks for the Bee A Brit Stingy Bee (I promise they are straight, just my bad rushed photography)
and Alice's block for the Amaranth group in Simply Solids Bee
Then last night I had a workout. Seriously. Hands and knees basting with pins in this heat?!! It was like some crazy hot yoga class. I had already given my arms a workout by marking the quilt with my hera marker but it had to get basted or we'd have no living room!

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The quilt is gorgeous! As are the blocks. Keeping my fingers crossed too!
yes a crazy hot yoga class indeed!
I do like that quilt, I am in awe of your lovely points!
Loving that quilt! Basting is a killer on knees, cheaper than the gym though. That's going to be crazy hot sitting under your quilt in this weather. Sorry to hear you've had a rough patch, sewing thru it works for me too. I like to see something lovely develop despite how I'm feeling. Hope the gloom passes soon, xx.
Your quilt is beautiful! I also have my fingers crossed that things are on the up after a bout of crappness, I'll cross my toes for you x
It's looking fantastic, Lucy! Love that colour palette!
Everything looks beautiful, Lucy!! Hope the crappy times are over for you!
No more bouts of poo! Everything is beautiful!
Sorry life is being crappy for you. Hope things improve soon and your quilt is beautiful! x
Hehe - I completely understand the "some hot yoga class" analogy. ;D And the part of not being able to break from the pin-basting once it's started - my old Siamese dude pukes his food up frequently, as as he's a cat and can't refrain from hanging out on quilts, when I've got one down for basting there's no option but to keep on with the job until it can be picked up. With my luck, if I left it down and stepped away, he'd lay on it, then lose his latest meal, and I'd come back to find yuckiness.
Hey - does the Hera marking last as long as it takes to hand quilt one that size? I've never tried that method yet, because I assumed it "falls out" pretty quickly. I'd love to hear that I've been wrong about that, because I want to try a non-ink technique of marking!
I used to do hot yoga, before I took up sewing. Spent most of the time laying down on my mat #suchaloser. Your quilt does look amazeballs, btw. I see your positive thinking and I raise you a massive "you rock" hug x
Yes! Crap happens. Here's hoping things are on the upswing! Gorgeous quilt.
Beautiful quilt! Pin basting is probably my least favourite part of the whole process so I feel for you. I want to try spray basting, but I'm told you have to spray outside and with winter lasting what feels like 10 months over here in Quebec, I don't know if I could do it most of the time. I hope things get better for you... Crapness is just crap! :-)
That quilt is going to be one amazing finish. I am hoping and praying and crossing my fingers and all that stuff that good things will be happening for you any day now.
:-( for you. :-) for gorgy quiltness. :-( for basting. :-) for quilting. It's an emotional roller coaster ride!
Your quilt is gorgeous! Love all the different blocks together :) Happy quilting! x
I too love your quilt and hope that whatever crap has come your way will be gone soon. I did/do hot yoga, I totally understand your point on the basting.
Sending positive vibes, and cooling winds...
Everytime I see your 'how far will you go quilt', I stare a little bit longer. It's wonderful, enjoy the quilting process! And crapness will pass. change is the only constant :)
Hope things start looking up for you really soon!
The bee blocks are looking fab. I'm thinking I may need to get a Hera marker - that looks pretty fab.
Your quilt top looks fab! Can't wait to see it quilted :-)
Sending positive vibes and crossed fingers your way, Lucy. Love the quilt- hate the basting too!
eeeek - I must make Sheila's blocks - it's nearly August!
Fab quilt, worth all the hot yoga and I do hope things improve for you
Your quilt looks fab, and i totally get the workout of basting in this heat, we're just not designed for it are we?!?! Hope things improve soon :o). x
Fingers and toes are crossed for you m'dear! Love the quilt, but you are a loon for pinning it in this weather! Enjoy the quilting tho :D
That quilt looks fab. The bee blocks hit the mark too. Di x
I can't wait to see the quilting on the quilt! The first weekend of our really hot weather I decided to layer and tack my hexy quilt - it took me nigh on three days and I was cursing myself and the sun throughout the whole thing...
P.S. Fingers and paws are firmly crossed up here xxx
Enjoy your hand quilting. Your blocks look lovely too.
At least hand quilting can be done near a cool fan, basting on a hot day is a feat!! I've been working on my Hero theme thing...
I love your quilt. Hope this is the beginning of a run of positive things :)
Oh Lucy Lu, I hope things are on the up for you soon and that there universe throws you lots of lovely things very soon. The quilt is completely amazing and I am very happy you went further than you should have ;)
Everything really does happen for a reason. Keep positive Lucy xx
Oh Lu I hope you a ok. That quilt is going to be amazing!!