Pretty prints, superb basics and the coolest collaboration is what Cotton + Steel are made of.
These quality fabrics really are awesome and my sponsor Pink Castle Fabrics has some great ways for you to get hold of some, including a fabulous giveaway!
Pink Castle Fabrics stock a wide assortment of fabrics; from low volume and text prints, to modern large prints, to gorgeous Japanese fabrics, Kawaii wonders and so much more. They offer yardage, precuts and they have a wonderful selection of monthly clubs, with something for everyone it's a great way to build your stash or try some new fabrics. You have to see their impressive selection of bundles that have been excellently curated.
You will receive 50 Fat Eighths (approx. 9" x 22") of gorgeous prints along with basics and some metallic prints as well, there are no repeats you will get 50 different prints! That's a whole lot of fabric joy for only $60!
Hurry and get yours HERE.
They also have another way to get a brilliant selection with the Cotton + Steel Club. The monthly club gives you a unique bundle of twelve fabrics: 9-10 prints and 2-3 basics each month and you can choose to receive FQs, half yards or full yards.

That's 12 fat quarters of Cotton + Steel lusciousness!
Please leave your email address in the comment to be sure I can contact you! No reply bloggers/comments will not win.
The giveaway is open internationally and will close on Thursday 18th December, the winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here on that day.
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1 – 200 of 384 Newer› Newest»I love the navy bowling alley, so retro and gorgeous! :)
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I love all of the arrows in the different colors. I think they would make great bindings!
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I pinned!! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73605775135926526/
I love the Mustangs.
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I'm really excited about the double gauze Bespoke collection. I have some Nani Iro ones in my Etsy shopping cart and these would be an awesome addition to them. I also bought mostly Cotton + Steel on Black Friday and right now I'm thinking about a quilt pattern that would do them justice.
I love Backgammon natural/green and follow you on Bloglovin and Instagram
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I adore All The States prints....gorgeous! Spetzie at att dot net
I follow you on Bloglovin. Spetzie at att dot net
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I love I Heart Bees, Mystery Food and Tile prints. jnnmn7@gmail.com
I love all the dotties but can't pick a favourite colour!
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I tweeted https://twitter.com/Archiewonderdog/status/543389554317983744
My new favourite is Playful - those pinks and aquas do it for me every time!
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I like The moonlight collection, but love how Pink Castle combines them all for the stash club! Thanks for the giveaway!! Sweetfeetstitches at gmail
While I love some of the prints A LOT, the basics are just killer! :)
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metallic netorious ftw. I'm a sucker for subtlety with a bit of bling!
I am a loyal stalker via bloglovin' :-D
I like the backgammonish. Cool! peterstankovich@comcast.net
Following on bloglovin' peterstankovich@comcast.net
I love both arrow prints. And the basics are amazing blenders.
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Superb giveaway - thanks. My favourite print is I Heart Bees in blue and grey but it's a tough choice when they are all so gorgeous!
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Tough to choose. I love their ise of contrasting colors. I can always tell when it is a cotton and steel collection of fabrics. ☀️
I love that window vine print so much!!!
I follow you via bloglovin! missquested@gmail
Hide and seek in Teal is just so lovely.
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I love the solids, if I have to choose
I'm not going to lie, a lot of the prints aren't my thing but Tokyo Train Ride is looking good- mostly- and I do like the basics, especially Netorious.
another loyal blogger stalker...
I follow you obvs :D
tiger stripe, but I always think of them as cats. not a cat person but these are too fun!!!!
The Cookie Cutters print is my favorite - thanks.
I'm a follower with Bloglovin' - thanks again.
I love the Bowling in Aqua!!! Thanks!
I follow you via Bloglovin' - thanks!!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/mimistarquilter/status/543411453818990593
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My favourite print is Fernbook in navy.
Good morning, Lucy! I love the navy arrows print. Thanks for the chance to win!
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I love Countryside in natural and Dining Car in snow. Very pretty, all of them. codymom7@gmail.com
I really like the All the States prints especially the navy one and also Fernbook-the dotties are wonderful too!
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The basics are my favorite!
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I really like the Vintage Flora Lawn in Pink. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
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Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I really love the C+S basics - they are awesome!
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Just love the basics
oh I love the cats and also the arrows!
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Hard to choose a favourite - maybe the Xs??
GFC follower!
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gillwatson at mailbox dot co dot uk
I love fernbrook in navy. ruthsews@hotmail.com
I follow you on bloglovin ruthsews@hotmail.com
I rather like the Basics collection with all the lovely Dottie fabrics.
I am a happy Bloglovin follower. x
i love the dottie collection.
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I love the Lions print with the teal background
I follow via bloglovin & I have your site in my blogroll on my blog!
I'd have to say Netorious, On the Grid, Viewfinders, and XOXO are my favorites.
I love Dottie in Bandana and Bluebird. Thanks!
I'm follower #720 on GFC in your sidebar. ;)
I love all the states and their feathers.
I'm a follower via GFC.
I enjoy playing backgammon and I like the backgammish pattern.
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Hi!! I really like the fernbrook in navy but also all the dotties are great blenders!!
You know I follow you wherever!
Following you on bloglovin'. 24Tangent@gmail.com
Mustang, monarch , mochi....too many gorgeous prints, I cant choose just one.
Basics Bundle. 24Tangent@gmail.com
i love the basics and Palm Springs in Aqua.
I tweeted - https://twitter.com/Chanzy01/status/543444745133912064
Of course I'm a follower via blogger and bloglovin
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The arrows and matchstick are some of my favorites. Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway!
My favorite print is I Heart Bees in grey. It was hard to pick just one!
My favourite collection is Tokyo Train Ride, those are real fun prints! Thanks for the chance!
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I love Pink Castle fabrics! My favorite Cotton & Steel print is the Cotton Candy and Gold dottie- beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win a bundle! cherisetoweratgmaildotcom
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SHARED GIVEAWAY http://www.pinterest.com/pin/187110559493721982/
HI, My favorite print is I Heart Bees in grey.
THANK YOU for a great giveaway!
(username is lindadouglas35)
I love Cotton & Steel's BASICS collection! The colors are bright and clear, and the prints are fabulous!
I follow you with feedly and with blog lovin.' Happy holidays!
I like the basics best, but I do have my eye on the Mustang print in the bundle because my horse-crazy niece would love it!
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I love the basics and blenders, especially the metallics!
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Moon bunnies in navy. You see I say that but ask me every day and I'll no doubt tell you a different one. I also am drawn to the arrows in navy (yeah I like navy) and the ones with the squid/octopus on them.
I follow you and you're on my blog roll. Did I mention loving the viewfinders too? Hmm thanks for the chance. I may have to go shop now.
I really like their stylish blender fabrics and of course the mustang horses.
I'm a happy follower.
I love those kitties!
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There's no one line I totally love but there are prints from a lot of them I want. The tigers in Hatbox and the octopus print and the jacks and the view finder reels. I'd just have to make my own custom bundle!
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Cookie cutter in cinnamon.
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I love all the color ways of melody's mustangs!
All of them! But who couldn't love those mustangs......
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I love all the pretty fabrics and collections. Thanks for the giveaway.
My (new) favorite Cotton and Steel line is Tokyo Train Ride. Can't wait to get my hands on that!!!
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I shared about your giveaway on my FB page.
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I have a half yard collection of Moonlit and a half yard of the basics, but I think my favorite are those cats!
The Mustang horses are great.
t_ktl at yahoo.com
Love nearly all of them, such great basics. My overall favourites are the tigers though.
follow on gfc
I follow on GFC
love the horses
The whole range is amazing, but I'm especially in love with the dotties.
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I shared on Facebook. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and for all the womderful blog posts
I love them all but the basics collection is my favorite! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I follow you by email and instagram! Thanks
All the states, because I love to travel!
I follow via email, thanks!
Gallop Canvas is still my favorite! anitagambrell@yahoo.com
I follow you by GFC as gator !
I shared this giveaway on Facebook as Anita Carol Gambrell
I love Dottie and Dottie's Cousin.....
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I'm liking 'Drops' in minty. Thanks to Pink Castle Fabrics for this giveaway.
I receive Pink Castle's newsletter.
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My favourite is Netorious. I love the colours.
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Oh I love Button Jar in Navy the best - I am a huge fan of aqua and navy (and green and grey too). amycav at hotmail dot com
Yay I am a follower!! LOVE the C&S :) amycav at hotmail dot com
I follow via email katybug_3 at yahoo
i love those arrows!
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I love those kitties!
love love love the arrows and mustangs!!
I love the Arrow prints in mint and indigo.
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I follow your blog by email!
I like Moon Bunnies in Teal!
I like the bowling alleys.
I follow your blog by email.
I like the Basics, but all of the prints are pretty. Thanks!
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I love the Basics.
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I love any of the cookie cutter prints.
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As a cat lover, it would have to be the cat print.
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I love the lions in the August collection - thanks for the chance to win!
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I like the Cookie Book collection today, but ask me tomorrow and I might pick a different one!
I like the Metallic Arrows in Navy. But I like them all....
I love the Fernbrook in Navy and Coral - my two favorite colors! thanks!
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I love the dots!
Thank you.
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Thank you.
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Oh, I like so many of the Cotton and Steel prints but really like the Arrows in Mint. kthurn@bektel.com
I like Mustang in aqua. Just a fun print!
I follow with email. kthurn@bektel.com
I follow you via email! Thanks for the inspiration!
My favorite are those tiger cat prints. I just splurged on a fq in each tiger color and am secretly hoping to stash away some more, so I'd dearly love to win this bundle.
I follow you via email: wordygirl at earthlink dot net. You frequently make my day.
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Hi Lucy! Thanks for this. Hatbox is fun
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One of my favorite fabrics is 108" Greek Keys Quilt Back in Aqua...just perfect for a quilt I want to make!
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I am an email follower. patchworkbreeze (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Stampede in Cream, it looks like it would be a good background or blender for some fabrics that are more solid looking. patchworkbreeze (at) gmail (dot) com
Ooh Backgammon in Pink Rust!
distantsub at gmail dot com
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distantsub at gmail dot com