warning this is really, really random explosion of stuff I'm thinking...
- This week I've been working on drawing an embroidery pattern and am anxious to get it right. It's part of a bigger project/tutorial (stay tuned for Donktober!) and I'm enjoying doing and trying something new. In the process I have learnt that kids are my best critics but also have fabulous suggestions!!
- I used to be OCD about cleaning... then I had kids... then I started quilting ;)
- wet cat food is utterly disgusting
- I feel sad when I listen to other's peoples bad taste in music. Sat at a red light recently the guy in the car next to me was playing some awful generic pop/dance track while me and the kids were rocking out to this:
- I feel sad when I listen to other's peoples bad taste in music. Sat at a red light recently the guy in the car next to me was playing some awful generic pop/dance track while me and the kids were rocking out to this:
baby update - I had my scan yesterday and am happy to say the baby looks great and healthy :) I do have to go back at the beginning of October for a diabetes test and to have another scan because I'm measuring so large but I had that last time too so hopefully everything is ok. Even the sonographer was surprised at how much the baby was moving and kicking and it even took a huge yawn, so cute!
- People are judgemental. Especially about pregnancy and births. I intend to have a home birth, I already had two. I'm not being irresponsible - the hospital is ten minutes away. I am not suffering unnecessarily - I don't want a huge needle stuck in my back and would rather have the pain. I will breastfeed my baby - I like doing it, it's healthy and convenient - yes it means people can't help me feed the baby but there's plenty of other things they can do to help!! Feeding is the easy bit! All of these things are my opinion, my choice and my preference. It does not mean I think I'm better than anyone else or that other choices are any 'less', wrong or copping out. If you think that, it's your problem, not mine. Everyone is different and people should except that women should do whatever they want to make themselves feel safe, comfortable, healthy and sane! Giving birth and raising children is not a test or a competition, it's an experience and hopefully we have the chance to make choices... as such we are privileged and I am grateful for that.
- there are some things I should do myself and some that I should let other people do! I can't control everything.
- underwired bras are an instrument of torture. I wish I didn't have to wear them. I will not be wearing them for the rest of my pregnancy or obviously while I'm breastfeeding.
- I am a winter baby. I love winter, summer not so much at all. Good job I live in the UK.
- I'm starting to really prefer hand sewing to machine sewing. I think it's the pace... and the fact I can do it on the sofa ;)
- I am a follower of patterns, I like the structure and order but more and more I'm enjoying just making stuff up and doing my own thing. It's liberating but a bit out of my comfort zone.
- Just when I think I couldn't love my husband more than I do he does or says something even more wonderful and my heart expands.
- I love laughing and intend to do more of it everyday! That and more hugging, it makes you happy!
Linking up:

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Awesome - all of it (except maybe Deep Purple!). I could learn a thing or two from you!
Go Lucy! Great list...I'm especially with you on breast feeding and underwire bras! Hand stitching is great for you and the baby too!
Wonderful random thoughts - thanks :)
so glad the baby is doing well!
Home births are the best. My last one (number 3) was a home birth and it was by far the best experience. My favourite part was putting the other kids to bed and them waking up in the morning to a brother. It felt like exactly the way it should be. It *almost* makes me want to do it again ;-)
-As a spring and summer person I´m worried by the thought of declining light and always looking for something to brighten up the foggy months to come- donktober sounds great!
-I like baby pictures!
you make me smile, thank you, Love you!
ps, cannot wait for donktober!
i'm smiling too! It is a small regret for me that the wee man's birth wasn't quite how I'd hoped but I'm not sure it could have been different. I shall ponder on that whilst writing a module guide this afternoon ;)
What the hell, Lucy?! Don't you know that you don't get an opinion -- you are the vessel! Totally kidding. I think it's fabulous that we have all these choices and the freedom to make them. Excellent choice of music, BTW.
Wonderful thoughts Lucy! Your statement about the kids being your best critics is SO true!! They always have the best ideas!!
Every mother gets other people's opinions pushed on them. And all it goes is piss us off, not change our minds. Great post today, Lucy!
Hi Lucy! I love your list. :) Pregnant with #3 here and I've done a lot of the things you do. Breastfed both my babies to over age 2 (gasp!) and natural drug-free births. We also delay solids and allow our babies to feed themselves instead of feeding them jarred foods. I didn't have a home birth, but my sister-in-law did and she loved the experience! :)
What a wonderful post, Lucy! I love seeing your baby! It looks very content!
Such a wonderful post!!
I wouldn't dream of giving anyone having children my opinion. Other than you need a medal the size of a dustbin lid!
Glad to hear the little one is doing well
Awesome Donkey. So much to respond to wish we could have a cuppa in person and I'd kill for some legit Hovis and Marmite. Um, didn't have home birth which is very common here so I got crap for Going to the Hospital. Ha! How about that? I made my choices based on what made my hubby and girls comfortable so screw what people say. No drugs though and Hell Yes to breastfeeding!!! You know what I'm going to say Luc, you have to follow your gut. (if people give you crap send them over to me!)
Oh yes I'm gearing up for some Donkilicious action!
Looks like your baby is blowing bubbles. :)
I love Deep Purple too!!
I had 3 home births and loved every minute!
Like your randomness. Good looking baby! Love that. And your sketch is awesome!
I wish people weren't so judgmental about pregnancy and child rearing. What is up with that?
Wonderful thoughts Lucy....very much agree with many of them others I don't but I greatly respect your convictions and strength of decision. Great to see babe is doing so well.
I am leaning towards hand sewing more and more but I'm not happy with the quality of my sewing at present. I must improve.
Laughing is so healthy and vital....keep laughing and listening to music baby will love it too :-)
keep well
Amanda :-)
Fantastic, you go girl! xxx
You are truly wonderful. I like a person who does what they believe and doesn't worry/care what others think. After all, you're living your life, not theirs!
Also, I don't get people who listen to bad music. Gah.
A lot of really random ramblingness that strikes a chord with me here.
Such a great list of thoughts! Of course you're entitled to make your own choices! Forget what those people are saying and go with what you know is right for you. So glad to see the scan went well, it's so strange seeing a baby like that! =D
Love the random! And love the ultrasound pic! So glad to hear that the bub is doing well!
As for those judgemental people, I reckon until they volunteer to give birth and breastfeed on your behalf - they're really not entitled to an opinion ;) Don't let them get you down - just know you're doing the right thing for -you- and -your- family (end pep talk! ;) )
Oh and totally loving the donkey sketch - Donktober is going to be so fun!
Glad your baby is doing well. I completely agree your child birth philosophy and your donkey is looking fab!
I think the baby is adorable! 8-) I never was brave enough for a home birth, but I nursed most of them, including a set of twins. The last one I nursed till she was 3 1/2 and she is healthy as a horse! Never missed a day of school from 6th grade through 12th grade! Good for you for doing what you want with your body!
Can't wait to see the new one...8-)
xo Linda
Go Lucy! :) ((hugs)) Hugs and laughter are two of my favorite things in life. I admire you for having home births! :)
How fun to read what's on your mind. Glad to see baby is happy and healthy :)
Thanks for sharing your heart...we get to know you better. Congratulations on your baby blessing...hang in there, Lucy!
Seriously great post, Lu. I think it's awesome you're having a home birth and doing the breastfeeding thing! We had birth centre births for all three (so drug free) and I'm still breastfeeding Miss 2, so I'm definitely a supporter of your choices :o) People always feel the need to judge when it comes to childbirth, which really pisses me off since it is YOUR choice!
Lucy, your comments about people being judgmental made me cry. This isn't the place to go into the why's of that reaction, but it was so lovely to read a different viewpoint from those I've lived with for so many years. Glad the baby is doing well, and you go ahead and bring up that little one exactly how you feel is right for you both.
I love your list, Lucy! Yes, it's awful how judgmental people are about other people's pregnancies. Good that you're breast-feeding. Breast milk is best ... wasn't able to breast feed my first (ended up expressing for a few months) and then couldn't get my second one off me (she nursed for 22 months!) lol.
I agree with you on the cat food too. Ugh.
Lovely post! Sweet baby number 3 looks so precious :-)
You say it, sistah.
I like you a whole lot.
I'm catching up on blogs after being away for a week, and this post made me smile :)
I'm sorry people are giving you crap for your pregnancy and parenting choices! Short of locking kids in cages or disciplining with baseball bats, everybody gets to choose how they raise their own children, nobody else's!