and have a good time fortune!
To celebrate the fact that I'm turning 32 next week and the fact that over 100 wonderful folk decided to hit the 'follow' button I'm having a giveaway to say thank you and spread a little joy!
Because I'm 'Charm About You' and since it'll be the second year of my thirties, I'm giving away 2 charm packs - ok clearly that has nothing to do with why I'm giving away two, it's just useful to have more fabric but it ties in nicely!
Just to be clear this is NOT a sponsored giveaway! I bought these charm packs with my own money from the Fat Quarter Shop - I love their service and they just have great little pictures!! ;)
********THE GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED! See the winner here *********
If you'd like the chance to win 2 charm packs of Good Fortune by Kate Spain you'll be pleased to know you get two shots:
1. Leave a comment telling me the most charming memory you have (I'm hoping to have some heartwarming stories, it could be anything really!!)
2. Let me know you're a follower in a separate comment
If you are a no-reply blogger or use Wordpress or any other reason your email doesn't appear on your profile PLEASE leave your email address in the comment :)
(BTW some of you that already follow definitely are no-reply bloggers because I can't reply to your comments! If you're not sure, click on that big red button down on the right that says 'are you a NO REPLY blogger?')
I'm not shouting about this giveaway but feel free to share about it on your blog if you're feeling generous!
The giveaway is open internationally.
I'll be drawing a winner using on 12th January because that's my birthday! Not sure what time (it's my birthday and I'll do what I want to!! It'll probably beabout 10am **in the evening** UK time) so just be certain to enter before then ;)
I wish you all good fortune and thank you so much for reading, commenting, supporting and contributing so much to me and this little blog!

To celebrate the fact that I'm turning 32 next week and the fact that over 100 wonderful folk decided to hit the 'follow' button I'm having a giveaway to say thank you and spread a little joy!
Because I'm 'Charm About You' and since it'll be the second year of my thirties, I'm giving away 2 charm packs - ok clearly that has nothing to do with why I'm giving away two, it's just useful to have more fabric but it ties in nicely!
Just to be clear this is NOT a sponsored giveaway! I bought these charm packs with my own money from the Fat Quarter Shop - I love their service and they just have great little pictures!! ;)
********THE GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED! See the winner here *********
If you'd like the chance to win 2 charm packs of Good Fortune by Kate Spain you'll be pleased to know you get two shots:
1. Leave a comment telling me the most charming memory you have (I'm hoping to have some heartwarming stories, it could be anything really!!)
2. Let me know you're a follower in a separate comment
If you are a no-reply blogger or use Wordpress or any other reason your email doesn't appear on your profile PLEASE leave your email address in the comment :)
(BTW some of you that already follow definitely are no-reply bloggers because I can't reply to your comments! If you're not sure, click on that big red button down on the right that says 'are you a NO REPLY blogger?')
I'm not shouting about this giveaway but feel free to share about it on your blog if you're feeling generous!
The giveaway is open internationally.
I'll be drawing a winner using on 12th January because that's my birthday! Not sure what time (it's my birthday and I'll do what I want to!! It'll probably be
I wish you all good fortune and thank you so much for reading, commenting, supporting and contributing so much to me and this little blog!
Post a Comment
Happy Early Birthday Lucy! Hope you have a great day.
When I was 31 turning 32, I got married and had an instant family (3 step kids). My 30's were great but I love my 40's and I here 50's are even better. That is good because I'm so close to 50.
I'd rather not be entry #1 but why wait!! I'll probably forget to come back.
Most charming memories...eek. I have such a bad memory these days so I'll have to go recent. I got to meet my youngest nephew for the first time at Christmas, he is now 4 months old and utterly ADORABLE. Reminds me so much of my youngest son when he was a baby. So that was pretty charming but he also has a sister who's about 18months old and she is just one of those kids that warms your heart. Takes a little bit to cozy up, but once she's your friend, that's it! Adorable smiles, sly little glances, sweet little snuggles and tickles. I miss her already!!
I'm a follower!
Ah well, looks like I became entry #2 afterall. A second comment now because I follow your blog via google reader.....sorry, I'm not one of your 106 google followers on the sidebar (I gave up on that because it got out of control for me so I do all my following via google reader), but I hope this entry still counts!
Ohhh, happy birthday for the twelfth!! Hmmmm...I think my most charming memory is the moment I saw Archie in the rescue centre. He was in a cage right next to the door (and when Dad got Alfie he was in the same cage - what a coincidence!) and he looked at me with those big brown eyes and begged me to take him home. The he pushed his side against the bars of the pen so I could stroke him and after a bit he used his paw to drag my hand through the bars so I could stroke his chest (he still does that and the memory of him doing it in the centre melts my heart, particularly if he's on the stairs and I'm looking at him through the spindles!). Anyway, that was it, love at first sight and less than five minutes later he was on the other end of a lead and a few minutes after that he was sitting in the back of the car with me and he prowled and sang the whole way home. Ten and a half years later and I don't know how I lived in my house for six months without him...even though he spends most of his time buried under a quilt chasing squirrels (or biscuits!) in his dreams!
Of course I follow you sweetie!
My most charming memory? Oh my, I'm all out of other halves, kids and pets, to that's them out the window... Ummm, hmm, how about being asked to guest post on someone's blog recently, that was nice :o)
I follow you too
I think I'm in with a chance of winning the 'longest comment' prize *wink* oh, and I'm a follower! Of course I am!
Lucy, our daughter will be 32 this year in August. Since she is our only child, I have to say for me that is my most "Charming" memory! Hugs drove me to the hospital in the back of his Ford Pinto! Oh my, the bumps and the shifting, not so "Charming"! Happy Birthday Sweet Lady! Kim C ^i^
Ooo I love this line. Saw it for real at Laura's the other day and it's gorgeous. Thanks for the chance. Pretty sure I'm a follower... ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks for your generosity in this giveaway! My favorite memory is really anytime the 5 of my family are all together (doesn't happen often since we're all grown)
Happy Birthday! What pretty fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a follower.
Hmmmm, my most charming memory would probably have to be when my husband proposed. He had just moved to town, and told me that he was just going to run to the drug store. Well, two hours later he finally came back. He was so excited about it that rather than plan something nice, he got down on one knee right in our living room and proposed right then and there after saying that he knew that I was the only girl for him. Awwww :)
I'm also a follower. Thanks for the chance to aim, and hàaaaaaappy birthday!!
I think that many of my charming moments have to invlove my family.
Don't know how charming this memory is, but I just thought of it and it made me smile.
I am very close to my brother and sister. We are all 1 yr apart. During the rehearsal for my sister's wedding, the priest made a lot of jokes at my expense since I was the maid of honor. All night he kept asking me "Are you sure you got that? Can you handle that?" He made some sort of joke about me making sure that I dont damage her dress or veil and everyone laughed.
Well....At the start of the ceromony, I took her flowers and I straightened her dress train. Then I went to straighten her veil and somehow ripped the whole thing off her head! I think time stood still as I just stood there with it in my hands and a blank look on my face. I tried to kind of put it back on top her head but, that didn't work.
Oh well, after that the whole churched laughed throughout the ceremony. I saw my brother laughing but knew if we made eye contact - then we would both be rolling on the floor.
Great give away and happy birthday. I am a follower
Happy early birthday to you! My most charming memory is of my wedding 16 years ago. My nephew who was 5 at the time was our ring bearer and took his job very seriously. Walking down the aisle, there was a slight bump in the liner - he carefully stepped over this then let out an audible "Whew!" Best moment ever!
Charming memory....anytime I think of my daughter and her wonderful snuggles she gives, it fills me with love. That is my charming memory.
My most charming moment was when was when I met my husband. Everything was going wrong, and he came and fixed it all. The day he met me he fixed my car in my yard he didnt even know me, he wouldnt take any money. Thank goodness because I was recently divorsed with a 10 and 4 year old daughters. About a year later we got married that was in 1997 and he is still my knight in shining armer. We are now raising our grandson, we have had him since birth he is six now and I am very happy with my two guys. Happy Birthday.
I follow you, that how I found out about your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
The most recent charming memory I have is the roses my husband sent me for my birthday last month and the not that said how much he loves me. We've been married 10 years. He is so sweet. Happy Birthday Lucy!
I'm a follower! Congratulations on having over 100 followers.
Happy birthday!!
My most charming memory... at the moment I'm sick so my memories aren't so readily available. ;) Let's see - today my husband came home from the store with a huge carton of organic orange juice and some decaf tea that will help me feel better. He's a dear to take such good care of me!
An early Happy Birthday to you. I remember turning 32, about a month after I got married.
I have 2 charming memories, each similar to the other but also different. The days each of my babies were put in my arms, one at an orphange in Vietnam and the other almost 3 years later in a building in China, will always be my most charming memories.
I'm following you now.
P.S. I love your blog name.
Aw yay, happy birthday and happy 100!!
Oops, forgot to add my memory! My most charming memory... my wedding day, the birth of my son, and the birth of my daughter - three-way tie!!
Am a follower from way back :)
Happy 100 and 32! I turn 32 this year and I'm loving it! My most charming memory is when my hubby proposed. it was in a national park and after I said yes, He climbed this big boulder and shouted "WOOHOO!"
I'm a follower! Great giveaway! Thanks! xx
This memory isn't charming... but is amusing (sorry, I've been thinking of my Nan so it popped into my head and made me chuckle).
One day when my brother and I were kids we went on a day trip with my Nan and Pop. They took us to the nut factory (???) and then for a picnic lunch. We found a lovely little park, rolled out the blanket and all sat down for a feast. Thing was, lots of people walking and driving by were giving us strange looks. Hmm... wonder why? Well, turns out that the "lovely little park" was, infact, a... cemetery.
Lucy I'm a follower and I just have to say I love reading your blog. It's always enjoyable and always cheers me up.
I have a memory that I guess is more bittersweet than heartwarming but is one of my favorites.
One day when I was sorting through some of my Mums things(she had died a year or so previously) I found something that I had sewn as a little girl. She had kept it and never told me. I started crying and my son who was two and a bit came up to me and asked why. I told him it was because Grandma had kept it. He put his arms around me, hugged me and said "cause she love you".
Charming...I am lucky enough to have one daughter who frequently tells me she loves me for no reason (she's 3 1/2 now, so those moments balance out the temper tantrums), a baby who gives me the biggest hugs when I get her out of the crib each morning, and a 5 year old who still likes to cuddle. What could be more charming?
I am a follower, and Happy Birthday!
I'm a follower!
I got married age 32, we was pen pals back in the 91 gulf war and he was in Iraq,
when he came home on leave for two weeks in the March we arranged to meet up... Blind date, we spent most of that two weeks together even though he was in the west midlands and I was in the east.
Then after his leave was over he had to go back to camp in Germany (sob)
after a few weeks of sky high cost phone calls, he sent me a plane ticket to go over for a week, he'd kitted out the flat above the Sgt's mess for me...brill
After the week was up saying our goodbyes at Gutersloh airport he got down and asked me to marry him in front of everyone (all on the same flight as me) back to Manchester!
Of course I said yes, you just know when it's right.
We was married four months to the day of meeting.
Oh and I'm a follower.
Gorgeous packs Lucy! I'm a follower!
Happy Birthday for next week! My charming memory is of my cousin who would have been about 5 saying "You're charming, Uncle Leo" to my dad who was holding open the car door for my mum :)
I am a follower too.
Many Happy returns for next week. My most charming memory is getting together with my Alan, we had been friends for a while and I was taking my daughter to see Noddy (she was 3). Alan said he would come along too and we had a lovely day. That night he kissed me for the first time and we have been together ever since. 8 years and counting
Following and have been for a while :)
A recent memory was going for a picnic with my niece last summer. It was lovely weather but very windy. When we got there my BIL realised they had forgotten my nieces sunhat so they had to suncream her head.. she had little spiked up hair for the rest of the day. She looked funny and cute! :)
I am a follower!
Happy Birthday, Lucy!!! Thanks for the chance to win. Following via GFC...
My most charming moment... Going bushwalking with a group of friends. Coming home arm in arm with one particular friend, who later on became my husband.
I'm new follower #110 here and happy to be it.
One of my most charming memories happens every year on Christmas Eve. In 1963 I had my 4th child and 2nd daughter. Next morning the nurse brought her to me in a bright red Christmas stocking and a little red bow taped to the top of her head. :)
All these years later, I still think about it - and according to my daughter, so does she. (Of course from me telling it to her every year.)
Happy Birthday!!! (I'm a follower).
Hands down... most charming memory is my husband proposing almost 3 years ago. Makes me smile and get butterflies every time I think about it :)
I'm wracking my brain but my man doesnt do "charming"... Congrats on the 100 and hope you have a fantastic birthday :-)
Happy Birthday!May all your wishes come true! I am a follower and the most charming moment? When I walked in to a shop called The Tudor Rose (to do a lace workshop in fact!) and saw all those patchwork quilts! That was me gone!!! I fell in love with it and knew I am not gonna rest unless I learn how to do it! What a task to take when you have not done any sewing before at all... :)
Happy early birthday, Lucy! I think one of the most charming memories I have is a new one. My two and a half year old has been getting his groove on with Just Dance's Who Let the Dogs Out. While it's a very annoying song, he's absolutely adorable to watch singing and dancing along. thanks for the giveaway!
It'm totally a follower!
I have many great memories of growing up in Lake Ronkonkoma, walking to the beach, picking blueberries...up on the roof with my father...nailing down shingles. He built our house. Thank for the chance to reminisce the 'good old days'.
I am a follower.
First of all I am a follower so that is one comment our of the way..
Second, my most charming memory as to be the wedding (we don't have kids yet, so i am assuming i may change later?)The fact that I cried for 4 days (starting at 6am the day of the wedding) makes it quite special. The best memory is giving my bouquet to my Grandma as part of my husband's speech (texted him at 6am that morning to tell him to add it). She cried, I cried, the whole of the 120 people cried... and when I see the video, I cry again!
Happy Birthday Lucy! I hope the New Year brings you many Blessings :)
Yes I am a follower ;)
oh my - what a lovely giveaway! Happy Birthday btw! Tho I loved him before, I was charmed by my SIL when after a looong delivery & some scary moments, he came out of the delivery room and got me first, to be with my daughter & new grandbaby. Such a touching moment for me.
I am a follower!
Charming story? Hmmm...
When Helen was about three she got something in her eye which was really hurting her (not the charming part of this story obviously). Emily was only about 18 months old and she toddled off and came back with Helen's favourite soft toy. Then she went off and came back with a cup of water for her. Next she brought a blanket and put it over Helen's legs. Finally she brought a book and proceeded to sit down beside Helen and 'read' to her. It melted my heart totally!
I am a follower. And a very happy birthday to you even if I am dead jealous of the 32 years old part!
My most charming memory... When we went to Gil's boot camp graduation,I had not seen him for 3 months,but I had sent him a letter every day. We did not actually get to be near him or talk to him until after the ceremony. When it was over Gil gave me a Hug,for like 3 minutes straight!
This is My Charming moment,because this was the first real hug from him since he was around 11,because it is not" Cool" to hug mom as a teenager. So even tho I hugged him,he did not hug back,until that moment.
Since then, he always give me a hug and says I Love You Mom too :)
Happy Birthday for the 12th!!
On my 32nd I was pregnant with my first child!
When son #3 was about 4 he cut his head badly and off we went to our GP for stitches - above all the murmurings of sympathy at the surgery a small boy piped up "I don't want to be a brave boy" but of course he was!
lol I already had it in my head I was 32 but infact I was only hitting 32 on my birthday was really great :)
I'm a follower Lucy!
My charming memory
My youngest used to have nicknames for all of us - I was 'Mummy chatting on the phone'! No secrets with kids around and yes my husband did know! He was 'Daddy go to work'!
I can give you a charming tale from today: came home from a loooong day at work feeling all tired and my 15 yr old daughter had bought me a bunch of flowers :-)
And, yes, I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway
One of the twins gave me a hug before I went back to work this morning and said she knew I didn't want to go and she knew I would 'rather be doing my quilts!'
Can't compete with Lynn!
I am a follower xxx
That Kate Spain fabric is beautiful, so when you are randomly generating, please generate me!
Many happy returns for next week, and I will definitely go in and update my latest entry to include you!
I am a follower, and a fan!
Most charming memory- may well be the time my son -now 24, stood in the doorway, aged about 20 months, looking up at his Mum, as she is heading off to work. 'oo look weally hmart' says the scrap. I went to work feeling really smart that day, and felt he would charm the socks off the ladies as he got older.
So if your son can be that flattering, you are doing ok.
I am a follower Lucy:)
Happy birthday. Is it soppy if I say Our first dance at our wedding?
I'm a follower!
Hope you have a lovely birthday!
Most charming memory.. hmm..making eye contact with my son for the first time when he was born. Seeing him trying to hold his eyelids open and staring at me and whispering to him, "Hi..I'm your mom." *tear* And now he's FIVE. sniff. ;)
Oh, yah.. and I am a follower! Thanks for hosting such a cool giveaway, Lucy! Happy New Year!
My dear sweet aunt visited us in California from Iowa one winter and was so impressed that we had roses in December. The following year I had my first job and saved up and sent her some roses for Christmas. She shared them with everyone. Then she got cancer and died the following year. This small act remains as one of the best things I ever did in my life.
Now I can follow your adventures too.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! My most charming memory is when Doug proposed. He offered me the most beautiful ring and could barely get the question out because he was so chocked up!
And here is my second comment confirming I'm a follower!
Yeah for birthday's! A charming memory of mine . . . when my closest bff's gather and we celbrate, laugh and cry a bit too. We've been doing this for years but these times meld together into one giant hug.
I'm a follower. . I'm even checking to make sure. Silly blogger!
What a great giveaway! Happy Birthday in advance :)
Hi. I have just signed up to be a follower
A charming memory.... Just love having my family around me and having my tall sons give me a hug. How did my boys get that big? Dread the day they leave home.
I'm a follower!!!!
Most (recent) charming moment.... was when hubby wanted to pack for our trip away a Christmas and when we got to Oz and I lifted the suitcase on to the bed, he told me he would do it.....Really I thought nothing of it but found out on Christmas Day that he was just making sure that I didn't find my present..( A new Orla Kiely bag) And here I thought I just had him well trained!
What a great giveaway! I'm not sure how I missed it when I stopped by the other day. I don't know if it would be charming or not but I have a super great nephew and he started school this year so we don't spend 3 days a week together anymore :( I hung out with him yesterday and he just leaned on me and I knew that he had missed me.. I could just eat him up I love him so much!
Happy Birthday, I hope 32 is a good age because I'll be there too by August.
The memory that jumps into my head is watching my eldest daughter hold my new baby, such love and gentle affection from a usually tomboyish 4 year old girl used to climbing trees and getting muddy moved me greatly!
Charming memory- probably marvelling at my first born, astounded that my husband and i had made him so perfectly! Even if he did give us grief while growing up!
And I'm one of your newest followers!
It hasn't happened yet, but I know I will be charmed to death when I see my niece meet her baby sister next month!!
Ohh and I'm a follower. Happy birthday!!
you have such lovely followers. tears in my eyes reading these! x
ps happy birthday lovely x
Happy Birthday! I'm a follower! How very kind of you to be a "giver" on YOUR birthday!
Charming memory ... waiting in bed even though I wanted to get up but I could tell by the sounds that my kids were making me breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. They were so pleased with themselves and so we ALL piled in bed for breakfast.
Of course I follow you!
A charming memory...when I was pregnant for the very first time I was super sick, like 3x a day sick and couldn't eat food but my hubby would bring me mega protein shakes everyday and make me smoothies all the general taking care of me more than he ever had before ;) That's when I knew he was going to be great dad!
Feeling nostalgic these days - my favorite memories at the moment are from being around 12 and growing up in the country - woods, lakes, streams, friends, staying out all day, just being a kid for a bit longer.
I'm a follower!
Hi have a wonderful birthday. I had a charming day today taking my grand daughter to the ballet for her birthday.
...Oh and i am a follower
Charming - my 2 1/2 grandaughter asking me if I wanted to go home with her after X-Mas. She lives 8 hours away. Still makes me smile.