I've been drinking too much coffee and eating far too many of the yummy raisin biscuits I made!
I'm still working on that border and I'm hoping to get it finished tomorrow. That's really all I've been doing sewing-wise...
I was wondering how people finish things off if, like me, they start working on other projects. Do you set yourself deadlines for each quilt or project? Does anyone only work on one thing at a time? Do you make a plan for yourself?

I'm still working on that border and I'm hoping to get it finished tomorrow. That's really all I've been doing sewing-wise...
I was wondering how people finish things off if, like me, they start working on other projects. Do you set yourself deadlines for each quilt or project? Does anyone only work on one thing at a time? Do you make a plan for yourself?
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Fun coffee cup! I used to only work on one project at a time, but right now I have two quilts in progress and one more about to get started. Plus I am working on little things for a swap I joined, so my sewing space is a little congested right now! My second quilt and swaps both have deadlines which helps make sure that I actually work on them, not just start another project. Otherwise, I try to make things for certain occasions (birthday, baby shower..) so I have a deadline before I ever start. I also love how blogging helps keep me accountable for finishing projects as well!
I literally was just writing my list of Projects. I have 8 sewing WIPs. 8! What was I thinking? Good at starting...bad at...wait what was I writing about? Ha! I'm going to make goals for myself each week. Perhaps like you I should blog about it. Might help keep me in check!