I spent some of my evening arranging the blocks for my son's robot quilt. I'm thrilled with how it looks but the pictures aren't great and it will be even more of a thrill to show you when it's done! It consists of 30 blocks and I've only done two.
I'd sorted the pieces using scrappy post-it-notes - Michelle at The Quilted Tortoise knows what I'm talking about ;) but clearly this would have been an even more rubbish system once I'd tried to organise the pieces ready for making into blocks.
I started searching for some plastic folders and then IT HIT ME...
I had a solution! On my shelf was an unused expanding folder and it has 31 sections!!! Perfect.
All my pieces are now organised, safe from children and ready for me to sew into blocks.
Now I just have to work out why I have two bits left over... oh no wait it's because I'm REALLY bad at maths
I'm linking up to Rebecca's Thursday Think Tank because I have so many projects I want to do!
- I would love to try sewing some dresses for my daughter and this Bookworm skirt is a MUST
- I want to make more things for my kids rooms and try to make some more toys, like these great alphabet bean bags
- I have too many quilt ideas to really mention now but I might try to sort out some of them next Thursday (oh dear Rebecca what have you done to me!!?)

I'd sorted the pieces using scrappy post-it-notes - Michelle at The Quilted Tortoise knows what I'm talking about ;) but clearly this would have been an even more rubbish system once I'd tried to organise the pieces ready for making into blocks.
I started searching for some plastic folders and then IT HIT ME...
I had a solution! On my shelf was an unused expanding folder and it has 31 sections!!! Perfect.
All my pieces are now organised, safe from children and ready for me to sew into blocks.
Now I just have to work out why I have two bits left over... oh no wait it's because I'm REALLY bad at maths
I'm linking up to Rebecca's Thursday Think Tank because I have so many projects I want to do!
- I would love to try sewing some dresses for my daughter and this Bookworm skirt is a MUST
- I want to make more things for my kids rooms and try to make some more toys, like these great alphabet bean bags
- I have too many quilt ideas to really mention now but I might try to sort out some of them next Thursday (oh dear Rebecca what have you done to me!!?)
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The poor post it notes will be feeling very unloved :) Let me know if the file works out
That filing system looks like a great idea!
What a great idea for the expanding file!! Looking forward to seeing the robot quilt! :)
You know sometimes I hate Google Reader. How is it Sat and I'm just seeing this now??? Ugh!!!
Anyway, beyond my tantrum, I love that filing idea. Hmmm...another idea to add on my to do list perhaps? Ah, think tank is so addictive! Thank you Lucy. I already knew I was a bad influencE but look now so are you! Wink.