Actually I do know it's February and it's my husband's birthday today... Happy Birthday to the love of my life!
To confuse things though I have finished 'January' from my Woodland Sampler...
I added an extra eyelash to the deer because she looked a bit angry! |
I got a pack of thread but some were substitutes and the letters look very pale on the aida, I may backstitch round them or something when it's all done if I still don't think it stands out enough. I am loving doing it and have made a start on Februrary.
Here's the bit where I ask for you help...
My Nanny made this granny blanket for Lois - me and the other two kids each have one of our own as well. It is very pretty and my Nan put the red and green one in as a rose for Lois :)
She has pointed out that her work isn't as perfect as normal, well she's 94 and I think she's amazing to have even made it. She has said I should put some fabric to back it so that it stands up to little one. I'm thinking of using this thin (sort of muslin?) fabric so the blanket isn't too warm.
So my question is how do I do it?? I'm thinking hem the sides of the fabric and then maybe tie the squares onto the fabric at the corners of each granny and stitch round the edges. I'm pretty certain I can't put it anywhere near the sewing machine and so I'll have to hand do it. Any suggestions? Anyone done anything like this before? HELP please :)
oh and I don't get lots of time so I need something relatively easy and quick!
Linking up:

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You could crochet the two sides together... like make little holes all the way along the fabric and just do a simple double crochet border? Like this...
No idea re the crochet but I'm sure Lauli's just solved that. Its such a sweet wee blankie too, hope you get it sorted ok.
Love your deer too :-)
I think LJ is right, and then maybe do a few ties to hold the rest together in the middle.
Not a clue what to do with the blanket, but goodness me it's cute! And how lovely of your Nanny!
No clue about the crochet but is seriously gorgeous! Love the sampler.
The sampler is too cute. I agree that January needs to stand out a bit more - although the color (pale blue) is so pretty and Januaryish. As the the blanket - good idea - but no clue how to do it.
nans rock, don't they? I think Laura Jane has the best option
Do what the wise folk say - I would have no idea!
I don't understand crochet, but could you blanket stitch them together? Its absolutely gorgeous
I love that you thought the deer looked angry :) though the eyelashes work really well! That sampler is so cute. If I ever get on top of the stuff I did sign up for this year, I'd be really tempted to go back and catch up with that project. I have no words of wisdom on attaching a backing to a crocheted top, unfortunately. But look forward to seeing the solution! Good luck :)
You could do a buttonhole stitch all around the finished edge of fabric with perle cotton, then crochet the two pieces together using a single crochet.
I can't help on the backing issue but your granny is amazing! Happy birthday to hubby and the deer is very cute.
How cute is your granny? That's the nicest present ever. Cute cute cute little deer. She looks fab with little fluttery eyelashes :)
Yes, you can machine them together, Use a natural cotton thread, and a long narrow zigzag stitch.
I would firmly press the edges of the fabric under to give a neat edge before you start, and choose the thread colour carefully. Most of it will disappear into the crochet work, but you will see it on the fabric.
I'm loving your progress on the Woodland sampler! I also got more substitutes in my pack than true colors (slightly frustrated by that) so I'll have to check to make sure the colors will show up on my fabric. Thanks for the heads up! Can you tell I have yet to start? ;)
I think mamafairy's idea would be quick and easy, just turn in the raw edges of the fabric and you could always make some yarn ties for the middle areas. your fabric choice is good!
Hippo bathday Mr Charms!
What adorable little deer!!
Laura Jane seems to have it sussed but I would think, by the look of the crochet, that it wold be able to stand up to some gentle machine if you wanted to stitch it around the edges and turn it through, slip stitch the opening closed and then tie at the intersections of each granny square! Whatever you decide it is a very special blanket for baby Lois
I have a really cool crocheted chevron blanket my great grandma made me when I was little too. Does it need to be backed? How has everyone else's worn over time?
Deer are cute but your granny is adorable! I'm so obssed by family heirlooms and handmade, perhaps it's because I never had any. I have machine stitched onto knitting/crochet before, I suppose it's kinda cheating but I'm lazy and it worked!
Laura Jane's solution sounds like the nicest one in terms of look... But may be long? Depends how big the blanket is. Amazing that your grandma has done it!
I haven't even started on my sampler yet...I'll get it done eventually. And Iwas going to suggest what Laura Jane did, but I don't think your idea would be bad either.
Handmade gifts like that are the best aren't they?