There is so much to think about, so much going on in the world and the UK, so many worries and doubts. Right now I feel like I am relying on sewing to provide me comfort and turning to creativity to avoid despair.
Thankfully this week there was lovely happy mail to give me inspiration and bundles of fabric and haberdashery to create with...
Simply Solids kindly asked me to create one of their Blogger's Choice Stash Club bundles. This was literally a dream come true and I went with some of my favourite designers and colours to create a cool bundle with useful neutrals and a fun pop of colour!

left to right: Grid in Furnace, Behind the Scenes by Jen Kingwell; Half Moon in Peat, Behind the Scenes by Jen Kingwell; XOXO in Seamonster, Cotton and Steel; Netorious in Jam Jar, Cotton and Steel; Geometric Triangles in White on White, Sew Simple; Flower Bed in Valentine, Blueberry Park by Karen Lewis and Sketch, Cotton Candy by Susan Driscoll.
Check out the bundles and Stash Clubs at Simply Solids, it's a really fun way to get a variety of different prints each month!
I am planning some small makes so I picked these up while I was working at Patchfinders:

clockwise from top left: An unusual choice for me but I wanted something gold and Christmassy so picked up this Fabri-Quilt print; Stitches in Parchment, Carkai by Carolyn Friedlander; Turquoise Leaf, Modern Christmas, Makower; pink bud, Aunt Grace Simpler Sampler by Judie Rothermel and Menagerie in Onyx, Indian Summer by Sarah Watson (one of my all time favourite prints!!).
I adore surprises so much and it was a thrill to receive a lovely handmade card and this fun glasses print fabric from the very kind Esther! I had a square of this from a swap but made it into a pay if forward gift recently so it was really sweet of Esther to share some of her stash with me. Thank you Esther! :)
Sometimes shopping is for things I actually need! Every so often I bulk buy zips, this time I just hit Ebay for some bargains...
I got 10 assorted zips from Christie's Craft Shop:
And then a lace zip and these double coloured zips with fun pull rings from Simply Because Crafts. I have to say they came in the nicest packaging I've ever had from an EBay seller!
I also have a couple of magazines to curl up with. Simply Moderne Issue 5 is full of gorgeous projects to make, including two of my favourite designers Sharon Holland and Jen Kingwell:
And new to me is this magazine 'Where Women Create', which I bought solely on the basis that it had an article with Carrie Bloomston. It also features Pat Bravo and many more inspiring women. I can't recommend it enough, full of wisdom, creative spaces and incredible pictures. I am enjoying reading every word and once I'm done I will be saving it because I will totally cut this up to create an inspiration board!!
I made some blocks to celebrate an incredible woman, Jo Cox. I will be sending these to the Leeds Modern Quilt Guild who are making quilts for her family, to find out how to contribute click here.
Finally there's an awesome celebration at Fat Quarter Shop as they turn 13!
13% off orders until Wednesday 29th June at midnight CST using code LUCKY13. They are also giving away THIRTEEN awesome prizes, including eleven $100 gift certificates, one $250 gift certificate, and 12 months of the new Sew Sampler box! Read all the details here.
So this week I must look after myself, it's so easy to forget self-care, but there will be mega burn out occurring if I don't de-stress. Going to jump in a bubble bath with one of those magazines!
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Oh Lucy what a lovely load of stashing - those double coloured zips are great, do you have a plan for them? I'm starting to think about teacher gifts and they could be great on zip pouches, although I'd probably spend hours dithering over fabrics to work with them!
Yes it has been a very bad couple of weeks for the UK - I too have been quite down, and to cap it all off England have just been knocked out of the Euros. Take care of yourself Lucy and enjoy that bubble bath. Nice zips btw although the link didn't work for me, but I will just go to EBay and search.
I really liked the zips and went straight over to look at them (the links worked fine for me). Zips can be silly prices to it is great to get some bargains. x
I love your SS bundle!