Ok so I'm not in a good place right now. At all. It's all too personal and private but I'm working through it. It's hard to find motivation for anything but I am clinging to this hobby with all my might because I can't stop now and I honestly don't know how bad it would be without having creativity in my life. I may go a bit quiet or I may pour myself into making, I'm not sure what I will do. So with that said I'm putting my big girl knickers on (à la Moira) and writing my Q4 FAL list. What with my doomful mood most of this is just copied from Q3. I hope that's allowed!
I have managed to finish my le challenge make and will be posting about that on Tuesday - there's still time to finish making something with the theme Mix if you'd like to join in and link up!
So here's my Quarter 4 list...
#1 - Hand quilt Vintage quilt - I haven't done as much of this as I should and this needs to be a priority since it's a commission. Hand quilting feels so therapeutic to me that I know it will be good for me to work on.
#2 - Flowering Lone Star - top done, needs quilting.
#3 - Two pillowcase dresses - these ones are for my girls using pretty Essentials by Pat Bravo prints. - This will probably run into next years list!!
#4 - Skirt - I got this bargain fabric from Minerva Crafts and am going to attempt to make myself a skirt! They have lots of clearance sale fabrics, great for dressmaking and most under £3 a metre. - I really should make myself something, my wardrobe is sad!!
#5 - Scottie Dogs - using more mini charms - these might make fun Christmas pressies for the kids!
#6 - Japanese x and + Quilt - using Arizona by April Rhodes because I love it! Nearly finished hand quilting and the binding is ready to go.
#7 - Liberty hexies - for f***s sake.
#8 - Butterfly Quilt - The top is all done and I'm excited to hand quilt this but it's unlikely it'll get done this year realistically.
#9 - Star flower quilt - whatever... ran out of wadding... more excuses... languishing. Same old, same old.
#10 - A commissioned baby memory quilt. It's all arranged but I've yet to collect the fabric so I will just use a picture of my babies for now
I'm probably going to kick myself for not putting other things on the list that I need to do but right now that's enough.
Oh and huge apologies for not replying to emails, I'm afraid it's been pushed down the list of priorities. I promise I'm usually way more positive and hope to return to form soon, thanks for bearing with me.
Linking up with the Finish Along:

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I hope things get better soon - thinking of you xxx
P.S. Shout if you need a helping hand with bee blocks - I'm just prepping to make Catherine's and can make some extra if it will help!
Sure love your Lone Star Block. Keeping good thoughts for whatever is causing your mood to lift so you can see the sunshine again. Keep on sewing!
I hope things improve for you very soon. Hang in there, we'll all be here for you if you need us. It sounds like you have a good dose of therapy in hand quilting ready to go, so I hope that is a bright spot!
So sorry your feeling low. Hang onto the therapy and focus that stitching can give you and the tiring - lol - joy the children bless us with ............and maybe an odd glass of wine in a bubbly bath now and then might be well deserved : )
Prayers for healing your way.
Love the Lonestar. It is gorgeous! Your kiddos are adorable too. hugs.
Big cuddles, darling girl. Do what makes you happy right now (like not replying to emails!) and know we're all thinking of you. X
Hope things are on the up for you soon
Praying you feel better soon!
Hugs, Lucy :) Take care of yourself and your sweet children xxx
Replying to emails is not a necessary endeavour, big hug and hope whatever is happening resolves in a positive way really soon. X
Well if I can copy and paste the opening and closing posts, I don't see why you can't ;o)
Cling to the stitching -- it does help. I've proved it over and over!!
Best wishes that things work out in a positive way for you. Just keep doing what you need to do to get through it. And it's totally understandable that replying is not on that list. Hugs and prayers.
Aw Lucy, you hang in there. Sending love and virtual hugs.
I'm so sorry about the sorrow and all. Those are a lot of beautiful projects though. A lot of pretty there.
Thinking of you Lucy! Hope the sun shines soon! I just love your star and plus and x quilts!
I'd happily quilt one of them for you (it's my favourite part!) if you want to share the WIP list around. :)
Oh Lucy! I am sorry things are not good for you...hugs!
I am ploughing through a down patch but find that a good dose of colourful stitching or hooking helps, it is better than baking as I can not fall into the trap of comfort eating. I hope that your issues resolve them selves painlessly. I do like your skirt fabric, I am hanging on with my bright summer clothes and wearing colourful warm tights.
I hope that things are soon on the up again. Your flowering star is brilliant and I am looking forward to seeing your Japanese x+ hand quilted. It would seriously do my head in to have so many projects on the go. I don't know how you manage without getting panicky.
Take your time. I had this not in the mood, life sucks all September so I hope you'll come out of it soon!
Hang in there Lucy and hoping things are better soon - really love your Arizona X and plus quilt!!
Haha - don't think you are alone in starting and never finishing.......
I am loving the vintage hand quilt - super cute. It will look wonderful when complete. Kx
Sorry you are having a tough time Lucy. That's quite some list you have there!! Hope things feel brighter soon xx
Hope things look up soon for you. That's a lovely list especially the lone star.
Hugs. xx
Take care Lucy, don't worry about the Liberty hexies ;)
oh dear dear Lucy sometimes life is just crap isn't it? I hope things improve soon xxx
sending you inappropriately tight squeezey hugs and lots of squishy kisses xxxxxxxx
Always take care of yourself first! Everyone will still be here when you feel like coming back.
Thinking of you dear Lucy. Hope you can find a happier place soon, and in the meantime hope all your beautiful hand quilting brings some cheer to your soul xxx
Sending lots of love! Will be glad when you're back!
I can help with Bee blocks too Lucy, take care.xx
Sending positive thoughts and hugs - take care.
I'm sending you positive energy, I sure hope that things will improve soon and I hope that your sewing will help you work through it.
Sending hugs like crazy!
For you, for the kids, for everyone who needs them!
Sending prayers your way, Lucy. Every single one of these projects is beautiful (especially that last one... your little sweeties are adorable!), and I hope that working on them provides you with a little escape from your sorrows. xoxo
So sorry for what you're going through right now. Hold tight to the important things, let all else go. Your blog is such a bright spot to me. Take care of you and yours....
sorry Lucy you are going through a bad time, hope it all "rights" itself soon and things work out for you. Take care of yourself and the kids and keep sewing (or not sewing)
I hope the sewing helps! Maybe something brand new...not on a list? Hang in there sweetheart!
Sorry to hear things are pretty rubbish at the mo, sending virtual hugs xxxxx
Hope things are looking up for you, Lucy!
Love your lone star quilt top. Such great bright colours. Sorry to hear things have been crap for you recently. I hope you're feeling better and things are improving.