I have been laughing at this for days since it dropped through my letter box...
Sometimes it really is the little things that can brighten your day! Seriously. I'm still laughing!
I have discovered that my machine can do funky embroidery stitches... my mum kindly gave me her machine for my birthday when mine broke at the beginning of the year. I saw funky patterns on the side but could not figure out what they were - now that sounds really stupid but I just couldn't see how to get the machine to do them. It was bugging me so I turned a couple of dials, had a play and although there's only about 10 (and a couple are fugly!!) it's still pretty cool. I fell in love with this one that looks like baseball stitches (could be leaves but I sewed them and looked at it horizontally so I'm going with baseball) and I'm using it on the pouches I'm making for little people's birthdays!
Honestly I am just having stupid fun playing and sewing at the moment. I've been painting leaves and doing prints with my little girl today and it was heaven. Funny how telling yourself to take the pressure off to be perfect or even be good at stuff comes as such a relief and lets you just enjoy!
Linking up:

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haha - that's hilarious.
Love the embroidery stitches. I've never been able to get them to work properly on my machine either. Yours look great though. I'm definitely seeing the baseball reference, much more than leaves. Looks great horizontal.
Love that you are enjoying life. That's the way it is supposed to be. Keep it up!
Ooh, love the baseball stitches. I will have to remember that come spring when we eat, sleep and breathe ball around here... Glad you are having fun and enjoying life!
If the machine is not really really old try googling the make and model. You might find you can download a manual that will give you the full sp on what the machine can really do!
hahaha, love it! The baseball glove stitch looks good too :D
You are still pretty perfect though! No pressure !
The stitching looks very even! Must be a very good machine. It looks a little like 'fly' stitch- not sure why they call it that! Have another happy day... sounds perfect !!
What a fun surprize! I like the look of the baseball stich you displayed.
We used to have a little Chinese takeout place in the next town that was called The Wok In. I really like your baseball stitch~!
That is very cool about the stitches. May look at my machine in more details...
Yea! For colorful and playful stitches. I can't believe that's the name of a fish and chip place - too funny.
Looks great! That wok star flyer is awesome. We passed the Love Muffin cafe today :)
That IS funny! Your stitches look great. My machine has a lot of them and all I have ever used is the zigzag. I should branch out...