Happy March everyone! It's a bright sunny day here (still cold) but I'm enjoying soaking up some vitamins :)
I'm linking up to the ever creative Rebecca's Thursday Think Tank and Lynne's fabulous Fresh Sewing Day, with a cute new button!

February was a month of celebrations here - my husband's birthday, our 5th wedding anniversary and the Fugly Fabric Party ;)
This month I'm hosting another link party and I'd love you to join in :) Click the button for more info and bear it in mind when Spring cleaning!
One of the things I love most about the Fresh Sewing Day is seeing what I've accomplished over the past month, it's always more than I thought!
I finished two quilts, the Not So Charming Rainbow Stars and the Johnny Cash quilt. I made 5 rose star blocks, a little bag for a friend and a fabric matching game for my kids.
I also worked on two more quilts (Pezzy and the Stained QAL) and started some embroidery.
Despite not finishing those projects yet I'm determined to get them done ASAP!
I am struggling a bit with my rose star project and would love some help. It's a long term project, I want to make a good sized quilt and I've only done 9 blocks so far so it'll be a while before it's done. Even so , I can't help thinking about what the background will be. I think I'd like to make some of the joining blocks alongside the rose star ones so I don't have to make them all at the end.
Anyway I'm still adding fabrics to the blocks themselves and it's a real mish mash!
No one fabric stands out as being a good choice for the background, I've had a play and here's some options:
The neutral and off white seem too blah to me.
I love the coral fabric but will use it for the backing.
The solid colours from the blocks looks way to ice cream sweet for my taste.
I like the mint, it seems fresh but I'd have to have a good think to remember what colour it actually is!! I only have a little bit of it I got on sale.
The prints from the blocks looks pretty cool but I don't have enough of the fabrics and it's going to be way too much isn't it!?
Maybe another pastel colour would look good?
So any bright ideas, good suggestions or opinions are very welcome!! It's bugging me that I don't know what to do.

I'm linking up to the ever creative Rebecca's Thursday Think Tank and Lynne's fabulous Fresh Sewing Day, with a cute new button!

February was a month of celebrations here - my husband's birthday, our 5th wedding anniversary and the Fugly Fabric Party ;)
This month I'm hosting another link party and I'd love you to join in :) Click the button for more info and bear it in mind when Spring cleaning!
One of the things I love most about the Fresh Sewing Day is seeing what I've accomplished over the past month, it's always more than I thought!
I finished two quilts, the Not So Charming Rainbow Stars and the Johnny Cash quilt. I made 5 rose star blocks, a little bag for a friend and a fabric matching game for my kids.
I also worked on two more quilts (Pezzy and the Stained QAL) and started some embroidery.
Despite not finishing those projects yet I'm determined to get them done ASAP!
I am struggling a bit with my rose star project and would love some help. It's a long term project, I want to make a good sized quilt and I've only done 9 blocks so far so it'll be a while before it's done. Even so , I can't help thinking about what the background will be. I think I'd like to make some of the joining blocks alongside the rose star ones so I don't have to make them all at the end.
Anyway I'm still adding fabrics to the blocks themselves and it's a real mish mash!
No one fabric stands out as being a good choice for the background, I've had a play and here's some options:
The neutral and off white seem too blah to me.
I love the coral fabric but will use it for the backing.
The solid colours from the blocks looks way to ice cream sweet for my taste.
I like the mint, it seems fresh but I'd have to have a good think to remember what colour it actually is!! I only have a little bit of it I got on sale.
The prints from the blocks looks pretty cool but I don't have enough of the fabrics and it's going to be way too much isn't it!?
Maybe another pastel colour would look good?
So any bright ideas, good suggestions or opinions are very welcome!! It's bugging me that I don't know what to do.
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Okay let's see. Not the prints, coral takes away from the colors but would be good on the back, mint is passable, off white and neutral are are eh...I either like the colors from the blocks or I'd say go dark like Navy if you can find it - it would make all those colors pop out.
lots of lovely things! I think Rebecca is right darker like navy sounds good I wouldn't be able to decide what to use either though. x
I actually love the coral with the blocks... but that wasn't really an option, was it? Could you use it as background and use a different shade coral for the back? Love the blocks :o)
I love the mint :)
Hmm, well i really like the "solids from the blocks" option. Or the mint. How about a charcoal grey instead? Like, much darker than the one you've pictured...
I agree on a dark background. There are a lot of lighter colors in the blocks, so a dark background would make the rose stars stand out. I really like the blue area in the "prints from the blocks" pic. The mint looks really awesome too. It is a hard decision! A lot of times it is hard to tell until everything is sewn together!
I love your project mosaic!
I really like the mint, maybe just find another mint that you like rather than trying to find exactly the same one. Otherwise how about a dark charcoal grey cross hatch?
I don't mind the neutral at all, but I really do like the mint also.
Great makes for the month, and I like the coral and the mint, possibly leaning more to the mint
You had a great month! Love all of your quilts. My favorite of your backgrounds is the coral, second favorite is the mint. I think the prints might be a bit busy, but I'm sure you will make anything you choose look fab.
I like the mint, I think because it's light and fresh but doesn't suck the life out the prints like the off white seems to...how about a pale turquoise/aqua? Or navy? Or really dark grey? Or a colour on white spot? OK, I'll stop now ;o)
I really like the dark blue from the "prints from the blocks" pic. A dark colour would make the blocks pop out, I think. And it is a good idea to work on the background now. When I made my flower garden quilt I had to sew 100s of white hexies at the end and it was sooo boring.
I'm in the minority here, but I like the off-white for the background. Maybe I'm just boring! LOL I do think, though, that even if you choose something else it should be one solid color. You really want the stars to shine and you lose sight of them with a busy or ever-changing background. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
I like the mint a lot! It isn't as boring as the ofdwhite or neutral but it works well to give bone's eye a break from the stars. Another pastel might do the trick too if you don't have enough of the mint.
I'd go for navy or aqua rather than mint!
Oooh boy. I'm not feeling very bright today so I have no good suggestions for you. I'm sure that whatever you decide with the help of these other lovelies with be just right!
Your mosaic looks great, you did a lot this month!
I would want them to pop if I were making these, not blend in. I was thinking a dark background like black. I do like the idea of navy and charcoal better.
I prefer the neutral to all the ones shown, as the others detract from the lovely blocks, however I would go coal or charcoal if it were mine - does that help?
Great Feb makes x
Yep, not the mix of solids or the prints, it will be too busy. I like the coral. It's warm, makes the colours pop, but won't blend in too much with your coral prints. The mint looks cool and might give it a fresh or retro feel -- but I'd try it out with all the blocks first to make sure that it isn't overwhelming. White would also be a fabulous background and a great safe choice for piecing them together as you go. Any way you cut it, this quilt is going to look awesome!
Yes go for black. Black works with everything. Or a dark grey colour! =D
Your February makes are fabulous! I don't have too much to add as help in your background selection, but I like the idea of darker grey, or something fun like the mint. Good luck, I'm sure whatever you choose will look great!
I like the mint - I think it works, especially if you are having a coral backing - nice and fresh
Maybe its just cos its got the navy block on it, but I'm loving the mint! The neutral is also cool tho.
Great mosaic of makes. On the background choice I'd go for the colours from the blocks or charcoal.
pass LOL!!
I like the mint too. At first I thought navy would be great, but lots of your blocks have navy as the outside round so they might get a bit lost? I'd like to see how they look on charcoal or the Kona pepper. I'm doing some pieced circles that I want to put on newsprint background but it can be tricky to find and expensive when you do! Whatever you use it's going to look soooo great!
I like the mint. If you have to get some more and the colors aren't exactly the same, I still think that it would look good as long as you arranged the blocks so the two shades we well dispersed. I've seen a lot of quilts that do this (especially antique quilts) and they look great.
Why not go with that light blue in one of those centers?
Coral or Mint for me please.
I love the Johnny Cash quilt!
And the very charming Rainbow Stars!
Decisions, decisions....hmmm...I like the mint or maybe a buttery yellow?
For what it is worth, I wouldn't use a print. You have enough busy-ness going on already. The mint is good, as it allows the lighter prints to stand up for themselves, but a deep colour could also work. I would be inclined to take a few of your blocks to a shop and audition backgrounds, you can always be a bit picky and not quite like any of them enough!then you can come home and rethink?
I feel a dark navy might 'absorb' your blue stripy affair, so you wouldn't want to go with that without checking first.
Sorry to be so opinionated, but you did ask.
I think other people might have suggested this but Kona Coal is nice. The dark makes the colours pop and it is a lovely dark charcoal. Or you could try slate which is not as dark and kind of blue/grey.
I like the mint!