I have long been a fan of Sweet Cinnamon Roses and her pattern the Wee Billow Bag is utterly fabulous! It was the most fun choosing fabrics and making something for myself with all the brown and florals and leopard - all beautiful Anna Maria Horner prints. Recently I have been USING my favourite fabrics and it's really lovely to be able to see them all around me rather than stored away in a cupboard or basket. Especially for every day items like this bag, it's happy inducing. Mine is a pouch version but you can see Laura's bag here and other stunning versions by different makers here.
Usually I just start cutting and sewing but this required a little more planning to keep track of which fabrics I wanted where. The Project planner inserts from 8lotus are a great way to make notes, record dates, list progress and to-dos. They've really helped me focus on getting things finished.
The Wee Billow Bag pattern is so easy to follow, the instructions are well written and Laura gives you plenty of tips throughout. The result is a neat quilted bag with adorable details. I really enjoy quilting bags, the texture of simple straight line quilting is so satisfying.
The design is so unique, the billowy sides are like sweet fluffy clouds! I didn't quilt the sides panels (which is an option) and I think it added to the puffiness.
There are so many pockets in this bag too, very handy for sewing supplies or other crafting.
The front and back of the bag are made for fussy cutting but that wasn't the vibe I was going for with the very eclectic mix. I did add a cute selvedge 'label', saved from a Cotton and Steel print.
The back has a larger pocket, which fits my design notebook perfectly.
The only modification I made to the pattern was to create a base so it was firmer. I used this plastic stuff (sorry that's not at all specific! It's some sort of plastic mesh canvas), cut it to size and covered it with the same yellow lining fabric - basically I just cut two pieces of fabric to the same size, sewed them right sides together with a big gap for turning. Turned it through, shoved the plastic piece inside and hand stitched it closed. Simple and it does add more structure to the bottom of the bag.

And cute leopard ribbon for the side tab. Laura is the best at adding adorable touches to her projects, check out her instagram or blog to see what I mean!
My Wee Billow Bag is fully in use, housing my current epp project and carried between my sewing desk and the sofa ;)
It's deceptive, this baby can store a lot and it's a joy to use. Do check out all Laura's fabulous patterns at Sweet Cinnamon Roses - the projects all make perfect gifts or to treat yourself!
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Very cute and very useful!
This is a lovely bag. You will keep very organised. I hope you and your family enjoyed Christmas and I wish you a very happy 2021 :)