I'm stitching the binding down on my improv log cabins quilt, hoping to get this done over the weekend and list it in my shop.
I've also been stitching together the siggy bee blocks for my feather quilt, I have plans for including it in the backing. I've finished making the extra feathers I needed for the quilt top and am excited to put the last column together.
I have managed one little finish, nearly 2 months late but here's my July block for the woodland sampler:
and I've started trying to catch up!
The summer holidays wouldn't be complete without us making some more paper crap, so thanks to a 'Charlie and Lola' and a 'Hello Kitty' magazine we managed to make a Hello Kitty caterpillar! I forgot how much fun paper chains are! She's colouring in the face while I type this post.
It is a wonder I've managed anything because the other night I drank (nearly) the whole bottle of this:
It was so scrumptious. I'm a total lightweight and rarely drink at all but this was a nice treat and I would highly recommend it if you like a sweet drink. Oh the lime!! yum!
**If you haven't already make sure you enter my 2nd year AMAZING giveaway! (open until 4th September)**
**The Fugly Fabric party and Lost the Love are still open for links and giveaways too (close this weekend)**
Linking up:

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Rekorderlig is like juice, almost! So delicious! I've noticed that my evil Morrisons is slowly hiking the price on these. They started out at £1.75 and are now at £2.25! This is how people go destitute from drugs!
I live in Cider country so I am spoiled for choice. I drink those barrel brewed, flat, cloudy ciders that don't taste very dangerous, until you get up and try to walk to the loo :-O
I definitely could not sew binding on after a pint of that LOL
Your woodland sampler is looking great, Lucy. I'm a huge fan of cider, but haven't seen that one yet. I'll have to look for it.
Your log cabin quilt looks amazing! And I keep meaning to start on the woodland sampler, which would make me really behind! :)
I wish I could get pissed of one bottle of Cider, you're such a cheap date Lucy!
Lucy, can you just mail me that improv log cabin quilt? I'd love it Chica, and I would give it a nice home... Hahahahaaa! Hope you have a few drinks this weekend...cheers to you! xo B
Great stuff Lucy. I love the orange fabrics in that quilt.
I never drink. I just don't like it. But I DO love strawberry/lime. Mmmmmm.
Not tried that cider before, but I do love cider. Looking forward to the feather quilt reveal
I'm having a personal cross stitch festival today and hopefully I can get closer to caught up with my sampler too. :) I love the orange and grey together in your log cabin quilt!
Looking forward to seeing your feather quilt...and I think I may need to try that cider x
What a bunch of alcoholic followers!!! Not me, obviously. Nice work xxx
Thanks for linking up, ohh will try grab some cider when im over next, like the thought of the lime cutting through the sweetness
I was at a restaurant last night and had a lime soufflé with goats cheese ice cream. A bit of lime and strawberry cider on the side would have been perfect! It's fun to see updates on all your yummy projects!
is cider alcoholic in Europe? we all drink sparkling cider in our house, but it's just our sub for real bubbly since we don't any of us drink alcohol. please don't think i'm giving the kiddos booze if you ever see a photo of it!
that backing for your feather quilt is so cute with the siggy blocks. can't wait to see it all together.
we love Charlie and lola at our house!!! they're our favorite and our best. =) paper chains, too. gotta love cute kid paper crap. since it's hello kitty, send it to liz and princess. ha, ha!
Well it obviously kept you flying high for the rest of the week :oD
The improve quilt is beautiful! Love the grey binding :^) I've never been a cross-stitch fan but I love that woodland sampler! Just so adorable!
A little bit of cider is good for the soul! And the sewing apparently!
You should drink it more often if it makes you this productive! Anxiously waiting the big reveal though I see my oversized siggy!
You do lovely work! Cheers!
Love the binding on the log cabin quilt!
Those monthly cross-stitch patterns are darling. I am behind on some projects, too. I always want to try to make it all, but sometimes there aren't enough hours it he day :(
That cider looks tasty.
In the day*
My computer has a mind of it's own! Sorry about the typo!
I have to confess to a strawberry & lime cider addiction..... Loving the improv quilt.
I love Rekorderlig too- the Apricot one is lovely, as is the passionfruit...
Love your improv log cabin. Great colours, orange is a favourite.
Hahaha I'm a complete lightweight too, and that's just un-Australian! My friends keep telling me about Redkordelig so I think I will find it soon. Funny how it sounds like red cordial? Probably goes down that fast too. My holidays seen to be full of paper crap too. Either making it or cleaning it out of bedrooms ready for the next year of kindy and schools treasures.